Ten Years of Legal Integration
Programme in sections [PDF]
Wednesday, October 1
19.30–22.00 Participants of the welcoming evening are hosted by the Representation of the
European Commission in Estonia (Rotalia Building, Tähe 3)
Thursday, October 2
9.00–10.00 Morning coffee (Vanemuine Concert Hall, doors open at 8.30)
Plenary session. 1864 – 2004 – 2014 (led by the students of ELSA)
(Vanemuine Concert Hall: webstream, simultaneous translation in English)
10.00–10.15 Musical opening
Chair: Prof. Jaan Sootak, Chairman of the Estonian Academic Law Society
Dr. iur. Priidu Pärna, Notary in Tallinn
10.15–10.45 Jaan Kaplinski,
10.45–11.15 Hubert Legal,
Legal Adviser of the European Council and of the Council of the European Union,
Director General of the Legal Service of the Council
Integration of European Legal Orders – Challenges and Expectations
11.15–11.45 LLM Hent Kalmo,
Adviser and Deputy to the Chancellor of Justice
Unexpected Impacts of the European Law
11.45–12.15 Coffee break
12.15–12.45 Jur. Dr. h.c. Hans G. Nilsson,
Head of Unit, General Secretariat, Council of the European Union
The European Union and National Criminal Law - What Are We Afraid of?
12.45–13.15 Prof.
Anneli Albi,
Kent Law School
The Future of the Principles of State Based on the Rule of Law and Constitutional Rights in
the European Union: Estonian Possibilities of Having a Say
Book presentation(s)
Exhibition Baltic Civil Code (BCC) 150
Kilvar Kessler’s nature photography exhibition “European Fauna”
(Dorpat Conference Center: 4th floor lobby)
Public Law I. Infotechnology, Economics, Law: Nothing in Common?
(University of Tartu Assembly Hall: webstream)
Ülle Madise,
Legal Counsellor to the President of the Republic, Professor of Constitutional
Law, University of Tartu
15.00 Jaan Priisalu,
Director General of Estonian Information System’s Authority
View from Infotechnology
Dr. iur.
Mario Rosentau,
Lecturer of Comparative Jurisprudence, University of Tartu
View from Law
Rainer Kattel,
Head of Chair of Innovation Policy and Technology Governance, Tallinn
University of Technology
View from Economics
16.30–16.50 Coffee break
Public Law II. Transformation of Estonia´s Administrative Organisation
(University of Tartu Assembly Hall: webstream)
Raul Narits,
Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence, University of Tartu
16.50 Mag. iur. Nele Parrest,
Adviser and Deputy to the Chancellor of Justice
Choices in Establishing Estonia’s Administrative Organisation
Dr. iur. Ivo Pilving,
Justice of the Supreme Court, Docent of Administrative Law, University of
Impact of European Union Law on Estonia´s Administrative Organisation
LLM Mari Matjus,
Attorney-at-Law, Law Firm Sorainen
The Position of the Independent National Regulatory Authority of the Energy Market,
as Required by the European Union Law, in Estonia´s Administrative Organisation
Private Law I. Future Visions of the Intellectual Property Rights
(Dorpat Conference Center: Struve I and II assembly hall, webstream)
Mag. iur. Ele Liiv,
Judge, Tallinn Circuit Court
15.00–15.15 Mag. iur.
Kai Härmand,
Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Justice
Developments of the Intellectual Property Right in the European Union
15.15–16.00 Free use of work:
pro et contra
Kärt Nemvalts,
Adviser, Private Law Division, Ministry of Justice, member of the Codification
Work Group
Kalev Rattus,
Managing Director of Estonian Author's Society
16.00–16.30 Regulating Trade Secrets:
pro et contra
Triin Tuulik,
Attorney-at-Law, Law Firm Glimstedt
Karmen Turk,
Attorney-at-Law, Law Firm Tamme Otsmann Ruus Vabamets, Doctoral
Student, University of Tartu
16.30–16.50 Coffee break
Private Law II. Codification of the Intellectual Property Rights-Legislative
(Dorpat Conference Center: Struve I and II assembly hall, webstream)
Mag. iur. Kai Härmand,
Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Justice
16.50 Introduction
17.00–17.20 Almar Sehver,
Patent Attorney, member of the Codification Work Group
Codification of Industrial Property Rights
17.20–17.40 PhD Aleksei Kelli,
Docent of Intellectual Property Law, University of Tartu, head of the Codification
Work Group
New Challenges of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
17.40–18.00 Tanel Kalmet,
Adviser, Penal Law and Procedure Division, Ministry of Justice, member of the
Codification Work Group
Boundaries of the Penal Law in Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Criminal Law I. Inviolability and Immunity of Higher State Public Servants
(Dorpat Conference Center: Baer assembly hall)
Jaan Sootak,
Professor of Criminal Law, University of Tartu
15.00–15.30 PhD Rait Maruste,
Chairman of the Constitutional Committee of Riigikogu
Procedural Immunity and Fundamental Rights
15.30–16.00 LLM Hent Kalmo,
Adviser and Deputy to the Chancellor of Justice
Immunity of the Members of the Parliament
16.30–16.50 Coffee break
LLM Norman Aas,
Prosecutor General
16.50–17.30 LLM Katri Jaanimägi,
Adviser to the Constitutional Review Chamber of the Supreme Court;
Juhan Sarv,
Adviser to the Criminal Law Chamber of the Supreme Court
The Constitutional Extent of the Immunity of Member of the Parliament
Baltic Private Law 150. Baltic Civil Code (BCC) and its Implementation Practice
(Dorpat Conference Center: Peterson assembly hall)
Marju Luts-Sootak,
Head of Chair of Legal History, University of Tartu
15.00–15.45 Mag. iur. Toomas Anepaio,
Lecturer of Legal History, University of Tartu
BCC and Other Regional Codifications of the Russian Empire
15.45–16.30 Dr. iur. Hesi Siimets-Gross,
Assistant Professor on Legal History and Roman Law, University of Tartu
BCC and its Sources Before and After Codification
16.30–16.50 Coffee break
Mag. iur. Toomas Anepaio,
Lecturer of Legal History, University of Tartu
16.50–17.10 PhD Lea Leppik,
Head of Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, University of Tartu
BCC in the Practice of the Tartu Magistrate Until the Court Reform of 1889
17.10–17.30 Prof.
Marju Luts-Sootak,
Head of Chair of Legal History, University of Tartu
BCC in the Practice of the Highest Court of the Russian Empire, the Ruling Senate. The Court
Cases of the Estonian District Until the Court Reform of 1889
20.00 Festive Evening
(Vanemuine Concert Hall, doors open at 19.30)
The party “European Hits Throughout the Times” will continue in nightclub Maasikas
(free entrance upon presentation of the invitation to the festive evening)
Friday, October 3
Public Law III. The Principle of Equality: Sovereignty’s Trojan Horse?
(University of Tartu Assembly Hall: webstream)
PhD Carri Ginter,
Docent of European Law, University of Tartu, Partner, Law Firm Sorainen
9.00 LLM Merike Saarmann,
Counsellor to the Chancellor of Justice
Reverse Discrimination: Unexpected and Foreseeable
Mag. iur. Kari Käsper,
Lecturer, Tallinn University of Technology
No Room for (Reverse) Discrimination in a Federalising Union
PhD Berit Aaviksoo,
Adviser to the Chancellor of Justice
(Constitutional) Renvoi: A Legal Necessity or Feeding the Trojan Horse?
Tatjana Evas,
Docent, Tallinn Law School, Tallinn University of Technology
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
Public Law IV. Everyday Implementation of the European Union law: Harmonisation at
the Cost of Legal Certainty?
(University of Tartu Assembly Hall: webstream)
PhD Uno Lõhmus,
Visiting Professor, University of Tartu
11.30 Mag. iur. Sandra Mikli
When Distant European Union Law Suddenly Becomes Part of the Every-Day Work
Kaarel Eller, Senior Counsellor to the Chancellor of Justice
Possibilities of Alleviating the Adverse Effects of Implementing European Union Law
on Legal Certainty
LLM Madis Ernits, Judge, Tartu Circuit Court, Doctoral Student, University of Tartu
The Test of Constitutionality as a Guarantee of Legal Certainty
Janar Jäätma, Adviser to the Administrative Law Chamber, Supreme Court of Estonia, Doctoral
Student, University of Tartu
National Law vs European Union Law in the Case Law of the Supreme Court of
Private Law III. Moving From Border to Border
(Dorpat Conference Center: Struve I and II assembly hall, webstream)
: Prof. Irene Kull, Head of Chair of Commercial Law and Intellectual Property Law, University of Tartu
9.00–9.30 LLM Külliki Feldman, Adviser, Private Law Division, Ministry of Justice, Doctoral Student,
University of Freiburg
Free Movement of Societies in the European Union
9.30–10.00 LLM Kilvar Kessler, Chairman of the Management Board, Financial Supervision Authority
The Pilgrimage
10.00–10.30 Dr. iur. Anneli Alekand, Notary in Tallinn
Keeping the Registry of Ownership of Private Limited Company Shares
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
Private Law IV. The Present and the Future of the Company Law
(Dorpat Conference Center: Struve I and II assembly hall, webstream)
: Mag. iur. Kersti Kerstna-Vaks, Chairman, Tartu Circuit Court
11.30–11.50 Foundation of a Private Limited Company Without Making Contributions:
pro et contra
Pro: Indrek Niklus, Head, Private Law Division, Ministry of Justice
Contra: Dr. iur. Andres Vutt, Docent of Company Law, University of Tartu
11.50–12.10 Dr. iur. Urmas Volens, Lecturer of Civil Law, University of Tartu, Specialist Counsel, Law Firm
Protection of Minor Share Holders
12.10–12.30 PhD Signe Viimsalu,
Estonian Business Angels Network
Investment Funds and Start-ups. Is it the Problem of the Legislation or Practice?
Criminal Law II. European and Future Penal Power
(Dorpat Conference Center: Baer assembly hall)
Hannes Kiris,
Chairman of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court
9.00–9.25 Kristel Siitam-Nyiri,
Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Justice
Is There a Role for the Estonian Criminal Law in Context of the European Union?
9.25–10.00 Kati Maitse-Pärkna,
Director, Penal Law and Procedure Division, Ministry of Justice
European Prosecuting Authority – Viewed from the Sides of Europe and Estonia
Raivo Sepp, member of Eurojust Estonia
Do We Need a European Prosecutor?
10.00–10.25 Dr. iur.
Erkki Hirsnik,
Adviser to the Criminal Law Chamber of the Supreme Court
Computer Crime: the Criminal Law of the Future
10.25–10.40 Prof.
Jaan Ginter,
Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Tartu, Professor of Criminology
Comments to the Presentations
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
Criminal Law III. Newest Developments in the Penal Power and Procedural Law in
(Dorpat Conference Center: Baer assembly hall)
PhD Eerik Kergandberg,
Justice of the Supreme Court, Visiting Professor, University of Tartu
11.30–12.00 PhD Mari-Liis Sööt,
Director, Analysis Division, Ministry of Justice
Jako Salla,
Advisor, Analysis Division, Ministry of Justice
Penal Attitudes an Alternative Sanctions in Estonia
12.00–12.20 Marko Kairjak,
Attorney-at-Law, Law Firm Varul, Doctoral Student, University of Tartu
Economic Offences and their Proceeding: an Undertaking’s Right to What?
12.20–12.40 Dr. iur.
Allan Plekksepp,
Adviser to the Criminal Law Chamber of the Supreme Court
Possible Alternatives to the Mandatory Launching of Criminal Investigations
12.40–13.00 Tõnu Mets,
Doctoral Student, University of Tartu
Digital Proof: a New Page in Criminal Proceeding?
13.00–14.00 Lunch (Dorpat Conference Center)
13.30 Book presentation(s)
(Dorpat Conference Center: Peterson assembly hall)
Final meeting. Europe, More Europe! Estonian Interests and the
Boundaries of Integration
(Dorpat Conference Center: Struve I and II assembly hall, webstream)
Hannes Rumm,
Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Estonia
Klen Jäärats,
Acting director for EU Affairs at the Government Office
14.05–14.30 Marek Tamm,
Docent of Cultural History, Tallinn University
100 Years Later: Are We Europeans Already?
Podium Discussion:
Kersti Kaljulaid,
member of the European Court of Auditors
Julia Laffranque,
Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Professor of European Law, University of Tartu
Lauri Mälksoo,
Academician, Professor of International Law, University of Tartu
Jüri Raidla,
Senior Partner, Law Firm Raidla Lejins & Norcous
Marek Tamm,
Docent of Cultural History, Tallinn University
16.00 Conclusion